Monday 9 May 2011

Science Senses

In our next unit for science we will be discussing the different senses. The five senses are :
1) Touch
2)  See                                  
3) Smell
4) Hear
5) Taste
 When you are eating certain types of foods you are tasting. Examples are eating an apple. Touch, is using our hands to feel different materials and different textures. Is it soft or hard? Is it heavy or light?. We see with our eyes, for example if you take a look around our classroom you can all identify different materials which you see. I will be bringing in an instrument and we will be using our ears to hear and listen for the sound it makes.We smell with our noses, for example smelling the flowers in the garden.

1) Here is a poetry learning lesson with the five sense my grades ones! click
2) Here are pictures  that you can look at. You need to identify which senses go with the correct pictures. Have fun. At the bottom  you have to answer a few questions! click

Saturday 7 May 2011

Tammy: Parents Resources

Dear Parents,

The first link that I will be providing you with the is Ontario Science Curriculum. Secondly you can take a look at the Ontario math curriculum.
Another important site you may wish to take a look at is the Ontario Report Cards for parents click  for more information.

This year the students will be attending a trip at the Ontario Museum you may wish to take a look at where we will be going click

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Even and Odd numbers

Boys and girls our next unit in math will be on even and odd numbers. Examples of even numbers are 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 etc. Example of odd numbers are 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 etc. This is similar to our patterning unit that we just finished. Parents here are some worksheets for your child to practice and improve their numbers.

1) The first worksheet click
2) The second worksheet click
3)  The third work sheet click

For parents and students the first activity you have to colour and count. There is a flower in a pot and the child has to color the even numbers a certain color while the odd numbers another color. This is an artistic way to learn even and odd numbers and it is fun!

For parents and students the second activity is one big flower and on each petal there is a number assigned up to nine and the child has to color and write which number is even  and which is odd.
The last activity is an octopus his arms are labelled with numerals. The child colors the even numbers purple, while coloring the odd numbers green. Then rights the even and odd numbers in the blanks. This is a great way for parents to watch there kids and help them in theses activities.

Have fun working on your worksheets boys and girls!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Helping Japan by Fundraising

Dear Parents,
The whole school will be participating in helping Japan by donating at least one dollar or more to help  Japan with the earthquake that has occurred recently. Students I have written this on the homework board and I have checked your agendas so we are good to go!

Boys and girls I feel we need to sit down at the carpet and review our classroom rules on Monday. I feel like you have not been listening very well. I would like to go over the classroom rules again:

1) When other classmates are speaking we need to be quiet and listen to what they are saying
2) When asking a question we need to raise our hands
3)When the room is loud we need to put our hands on our head and make eye contact with the teacher
5)When we are late we need to bring the teacher a late slip
6)When we hurt other people feelings we need to apologize for what we have said

Respect your classmates everyone!

Science- Planting Seeds

Children need to understand the way plants grow. Seeds need certain nutrients for them to survive.
Boys and girls for science we will be studying plants and we will be planting our very own seeds this week. Make sure you to tell your parents to bring the appropriate clothing. Once we are done planting our seeds, we will water them and watch them grow over the next couple of weeks.  Bringing in a raincoat, boots and hats will be necessary!!!!

My fellow grade ones here are some questions to think about!
1) what is a seed?
2)what will happen when you water your plant everyday?
3)what will happen if your plant does not survive?
4)Does the plant need sunlight?

Everyday we will see watch and see what happens to the plants

Here is a video on grade ones planing seeds enjoy click

Here is a link on gardening for kids which includes all the subjects covered in the curriculum click

I will be away Tuesday

Mr K will be your supply teacher for Tuesday for the whole day. He will tell me how you have behaved and how you have progressed through the day. Have a wonderful day boys and girls and I will see you on Wednesday!