Monday 9 May 2011

Science Senses

In our next unit for science we will be discussing the different senses. The five senses are :
1) Touch
2)  See                                  
3) Smell
4) Hear
5) Taste
 When you are eating certain types of foods you are tasting. Examples are eating an apple. Touch, is using our hands to feel different materials and different textures. Is it soft or hard? Is it heavy or light?. We see with our eyes, for example if you take a look around our classroom you can all identify different materials which you see. I will be bringing in an instrument and we will be using our ears to hear and listen for the sound it makes.We smell with our noses, for example smelling the flowers in the garden.

1) Here is a poetry learning lesson with the five sense my grades ones! click
2) Here are pictures  that you can look at. You need to identify which senses go with the correct pictures. Have fun. At the bottom  you have to answer a few questions! click