Sunday 1 May 2011

Math- Patterning

We have finished our unit on basic addition and subtraction. Our new unit will be on patterning on two's, fives and tens. This is significant because children need to know how to count and figure out the patterns being assigned.
Here are some practicing question you can work on with your children. First Exercice click  Second Exerciseclick The Third Exercise click

The first activity is a counting chart with a few missing numerals, and the children have to count by twos to see the missing numbers. It starts from 2 and goes up to 200 This will make the student establish counting skills.
The second worksheet assigned is the chart starts at 5 and ends at 500 and the patterns go by 5s.
The last work sheet to practice is by 10 so the students have to count until they reach 1000. They should be able to see the different between 2's 5's and 10's

Parent this is great practice for your children to review the specific patterns being taught in class!

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